Discovering The Best Topics What To Talk About

Welcome to the Ultimate Guide on What to Talk About

Starting a conversation can be intimidating, especially when you’re meeting someone new. Sometimes, we find ourselves at a loss for words, unsure of what topics to bring up. But worry not, because in this article, we will cover everything you need to know on what to talk about in any situation. Whether you’re at a networking event, on a first date, or simply catching up with friends, we’ve got you covered. So read on and become a master conversationalist in no time!

What to Talk About: Keeping the Conversation Going

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you want to strike up a conversation, but don’t know what to talk about? Whether it’s meeting new people or catching up with old friends, sometimes coming up with topics to discuss can be a challenge. In this article, we’ll explore some tips on how to keep the conversation flowing and interesting by discussing different topics to talk about.

The Importance of Good Conversation

Engaging in conversation is an essential part of human interaction. It allows us to connect with others, share our thoughts and ideas, and learn from one another. Not only does it help us build relationships, but it also has many cognitive benefits. Studies have shown that engaging in conversation can improve memory, problem-solving skills, and even empathy. So, it’s crucial to have meaningful conversations with people around us.

However, keeping the conversation going can be challenging, particularly if you’re not a natural conversationalist. Here are some tips to help you find interesting topics to talk about and keep the conversation flowing.

1. Ask Open-Ended Questions

One of the best ways to keep a conversation going is by asking open-ended questions. These are questions that cannot be answered with a simple “yes” or “no,” but instead invite the person to share their thoughts and opinions. For example, instead of asking “Do you like pizza?” which can be answered with a simple “yes,” ask “What is your favorite type of pizza?” This gives the other person an opportunity to expand on their answer and share more about themselves.

Some other examples of open-ended questions include:

  • “What do you think about…?”
  • “How do you feel about…?”
  • “What was your experience like when…?”
  • “What’s your opinion on…?”

These types of questions not only keep the conversation going but also show that you are genuinely interested in what the other person has to say.

2. Ask About Their Interests

Another great way to keep the conversation going is by asking about the other person’s interests. People love talking about things they are passionate about, so this can be an excellent way to get them engaged and excited to talk. You can ask about their hobbies, favorite books or movies, or even their career aspirations.

For example, if you see someone wearing a shirt with their favorite band’s logo, you can ask them about their favorite songs or concerts they’ve been to. If you know someone who loves cooking, you can ask them for their top recipe recommendation. Showing interest in others’ interests is a great way to spark conversation and get to know someone better.

3. Share Personal Experiences

People tend to connect more when they share personal experiences. Therefore, don’t be afraid to share your own stories and experiences when trying to keep the conversation going. It could be something interesting that happened to you or a funny memory. Sharing personal experiences can also make the other person feel more comfortable and open up about their own experiences.

However, be mindful of the context and setting when sharing personal experiences. Avoid sensitive or controversial topics that may make others uncomfortable and stick to lighter and more positive experiences.

4. Keep Up with Current Events

Another way to have interesting conversations is by keeping up with current events and news. This could be local or global news, popular trends, or even interesting facts. This allows for a diverse range of topics to discuss and can also help you learn something new.

You can ask others for their opinions on current events or share your own. Just make sure to be respectful of others’ views and avoid getting too heated in discussions. It’s always good to have healthy debates, but it’s essential to keep the conversation friendly and open-minded.

5. Talk about Shared Experiences

If you’re in a group setting with people who all share a common interest or experience, use that as a topic of conversation. Whether it’s attending the same event, working at the same company, or going to the same school, this shared experience can provide a great starting point for conversation.

For example, if you’re at a party with people from your university, you can talk about your favorite classes, professors, or campus events. If you’re at a work event, you can discuss projects you’ve worked on together or funny office stories. Asking others about their experiences and sharing your own can create a sense of camaraderie and lead to more meaningful conversations.

6. Use Conversation Starters

If you’re still struggling to come up with topics to talk about, you can try using conversation starters. These are questions or statements specifically designed to spark conversation and get to know someone better. Some examples of conversation starters include:

  • “If you could choose any superpower, what would it be?”
  • “What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?”
  • “What’s one thing on your bucket list?”
  • “Describe your perfect day.”

These conversation starters can be great icebreakers and lead to interesting discussions.


In conclusion, keeping the conversation going and finding topics to talk about can be a challenge, but with these tips, it can become easier. Remember to ask open-ended questions, show interest in others’ interests and experiences, keep up with current events, and use conversation starters if needed. Be genuine, respectful, and open-minded in your discussions, and you’ll be able to have enjoyable and meaningful conversations with anyone you meet.

If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of online games, check out this article on the educational benefits of online games for children and adults. Playing online games can also be a great topic to discuss, as they offer many cognitive benefits and can be a fun way to connect with others. So, next time you’re struggling to find a topic to talk about, consider bringing up the topic of online gaming and see where the conversation takes you.

In conclusion, having meaningful conversations is an important aspect of our daily lives. However, it can be challenging to know what to talk about at times. By following the tips outlined in this article and utilizing topics such as shared interests, current events, and personal experiences, you can navigate through conversations with ease and effectively connect with others. Remember to also actively listen and engage in the conversation, showing genuine interest in others’ perspectives. With practice and a willingness to step out of your comfort zone, you can master the art of engaging in enjoyable and meaningful conversations. So go ahead, use these tips and start sparking interesting discussions with those around you!


  • bensonsimpson

    Hi! I'm Benson Simpson, a 35-year-old educational blogger and teacher. I write about educational topics such as student motivation, creativity, and effective teaching techniques. I also run a blog about creativity and learning, which you can find at



Hi! I'm Benson Simpson, a 35-year-old educational blogger and teacher. I write about educational topics such as student motivation, creativity, and effective teaching techniques. I also run a blog about creativity and learning, which you can find at