The Idea Of Heaven And Hell In Ancient Civilizations And Religions

Many civilizations throughout history believed in Gods or Gods, and also in the concept of an afterlife. This could be a reward for their actions or punishment. Death will always be a part of our lives, no matter how we feel about it. Religions have developed different ways to look at the afterlife. Hope for the afterlife has always been a universal feeling, no matter how old we are. Even though technology has advanced, it is still a hot topic. Scientists cannot explain what happens after death. Nearly all religions, however, have their own unique explanations for the afterlife. Some monolithic faiths, such as Islam and Judaism believed that people’s souls existed in another realm in the afterlife. Other religions, however, such as Hinduism or Buddhism, believed in reincarnation. Some civilizations believed that important people should be buried with valuable objects such as jewelry, gold, swords and other items. The dead can then use these items in the afterlife. Ancient civilizations like the Aztecs and Greeks and Romans or Ancient Chinese, believed in burying valuable items with people. Aztecs were a tribe that originated from Mexico and settled in Mesoamerica during the 13th century. The Aztecs developed a large and complex political, religious and social organization, which affected several cities. Aztecs considered sacrifices essential, as life could not exist without sacrificing blood to the Gods. Their belief in the afterlife was quite different from what we believe today. Aztecs did not believe in afterlife being determined by what you have done in life. They believed it was more important how someone died than how they lived. How a person died was a major factor in determining his afterlife. Their belief system divided the afterlife into four parts: East, West North South. Death was a factor in determining where people went. If you die in war, for example, you will go to an east paradise where the sun will be rising in the morning. You may also join Huitzilopochtli as he fights to win the battle. Women who die in childbirth are regarded as just as heroic and glorious as those who die in war. Women, however, went to the West where sun set each day. These ideas about paradise are quite different from those of our modern religions, where people would go to a world that had everything they wanted. People who have died from illness, of unremarkable causes or simply because they are old were not considered to be a heavenly thing. These people were sent to the underworld where they faced eight levels before finally finding peace in their souls. This is a very different example between how the Aztecs and modern societies view death. Aztecs don’t care if someone dies of old age, or from an ordinary cause. They will only see people who have died heroically. Aztecs expect people to die in honorable, but premature ways. Modern religions do not care if a person dies from old age or illness. They only care about how they live. The Aztecs regarded the sun as a vital part of their lives. The sun was a major influence on their belief in the afterlife. They believed that there was an afterlife in Greeks and Romans civilisations. Both civilizations have no religious foundation for their afterlife beliefs, but their myths have shaped the concepts. Greeks thought that the soul and physical body separated after death. After death, the body is buried. Souls depart from the body on a journey that takes them to Hades, the underworld. Hermes and Charon help dead people cross the River to get to the Underworld. Cerberus guards the river. Hades rules the underworld. Hades is a place where people are judged on their past actions and their way of life. They will be judged based on their good or bad deeds. They will wander around the underworld if they have done a minor wrong. In ancient Greece, the Greeks believed only that there was an afterlife. Others believed that only the greatest of the great go to Elysium, a type of paradise. Only the gods and their relatives are allowed. Romans were influenced greatly by Greeks concept of afterlife. They held beliefs such as immortality and reincarnation. Romans believed the dead affected their everyday life. They kept in contact with them by holding festivals and performing rituals. The dead were honored every year at Lemuria (May) and Parentalia, which takes place in February. During Parentalia they visited the tombs of their dead relatives and offered them food and drink. During Lemuria (May), people would perform rituals that kept the souls out of their homes. Romans believed after death, the soul of a deceased person travels to a place filled with joy and happiness if it has done good throughout its life. If you have done something wrong, then your soul will travel to a place that is like a paradise and contains great joy. According to Romans this place has 3 parts. First, it is a place where there are no rewards or punishments. Second, is Tartarus which is a place where people will suffer the rest of their lives. Third, is inhabited by people who have done minor acts. They temporarily resided here before they reincarnated or went to Elysium. The idea of an underworld is similar to the idea of Hell as it appears in many modern religions. Both religions are so similar in their concept of hell and heavenly that someone who suffers enough can be sent to heaven. Islam and Christianity do not believe in reincarnation. Romans also converted to Christianity the pagan beliefs at some point. Romans believed in the afterlife. Before Christianity, Romans had no organized religion. Some people believe in the afterlife, while others don’t. The cults of that time were dedicated to specific gods and goddesses. They promised people a peaceful, happy afterlife. The majority of people in Christianity believed that there was an afterlife. They already had a strong belief and the transition to Christianity from Roman beliefs wasn’t difficult. It is because ancient Egyptians believed they were immortal that their view of the afterlife was so different. Death was seen as a brief time interruption. The ancient Egyptians believed that death wasn’t an end but was a beginning for another reality. Osiris was the god who ruled the underworld and afterlife in ancient Egypt. The Egyptians mummified their dead bodies and built large tombs. They also performed numerous rituals. The Egyptians buried not only valuable and important items, but also everyday items, as they believed that the deceased would continue to live their lives in the afterlife. These rituals were mainly reserved for important people, such as pharaohs. Poor Egyptians couldn’t afford a strict hierarchy even when they died. Hinduism was around 4000-years ago, according to many scholars. Hinduism holds that souls can reincarnate. The Hindus believe that the souls are eternal and immortal. Hinduism is not against death. Death is not a bad thing, but merely a natural event. The afterlife is a period of rest where the soul prepares for a new journey when the people return to earth. Hinduism holds that death is merely a temporary cessation in physical activity. Each incarnation is an opportunity for the soul to improve itself. To be free, they believe, you can’t have preferences, dislikes, or attachments. The soul must overcome this delusion to reach completeness. What happens to the soul after someone dies, though? This depends on a lot of factors like the person’s life and death time, their state of mind, or even the children. It is determined by the factors that determine one’s fate. It is good to reach path of the sun. Path of sun is difficult to achieve completely. It is difficult to reach path of sun completely. If someone does good, they will be taken to the path of the sun where they can enjoy their life. It is also important to note the time of death. For example, if a person dies during a festival and performs puja or bhajans he/she can go to heaven despite its past deeds. One more thing is important, and that is the person’s mental state at the moment of their death. If he/she is thinking only of money, they will return to life as traders or merchants. The person will return to the family in a different form. If they think of bad things then they will suffer on lower worlds. On the other hand, if it is Gods that they think about, then he/she may go up to higher worlds. The Hindus believe that hell and heavenly places are not there to punish people or reward them, but to remind their souls of the true purpose of existence and life. The purpose of hell and heaven is to teach the souls a moral lesson, not to punish or reward them. Hinduism has affected many people and cultures throughout history. For example, the Harappan civilisation or India as a whole. Hinduism continues to be believed by many millions of people. People live their lives in accordance with Hinduism. In ancient India, many people committed suicide because of this fact. Hinduism, the predominant religion in India with over 1 billion followers, still has a great impact on people and society today. Many people still behave in accordance with their religion. Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are three of the Abrahamic religions that have many similarities as well as differences in how they view afterlife. They believe death to be a reality that is unavoidable. These 3 religions are based on holy books, which contain information about the afterlife. The afterlife in these religions is determined by your life choices. You can be rewarded for your good or punished for your bad. Jews believe their souls go to Sheol, a dark and gloomy place. It’s like a holding place until it’s decided if they will be going to Gan Eden completely or not. Judaism does not believe Hell to be a physical entity. In contrast to Christianity, Islam and other religions, Jews believe Hell to be a place of intense humiliation and shame that is beyond human comprehension. Christian belief about the afterlife is derived from Jesus Christ’s resurrection. God’s plan for humanity was to have Jesus die. Jesus Christ is considered to have suffered on behalf of humanity. Christians believe God will evaluate their lives after death. Individuals who have lived a life of sin without repentance could be sent to Hell. A person who repents of their sins will spend eternity in Heaven. The Muslims believe there will come a day of judgment after your death, when all fates will be decided. Hell and Heaven will both be options on that fateful day. On that particular day, every Muslim will attempt to cross an as-sirat almustaqeem bridge. The bridge will decide whether you are going to heaven or hell based on your sins and deeds. For someone to reach heaven by crossing the bridge they must have a strong belief in God and Islam, as well as doing more good works than bad. The bridge is a symbol of Heaven, but if someone falls off it they go to Hell. They suffer in great pain. Islam says that blasphemers cannot enter Heaven, even if they have done more good than an Islam believer. As we can see from this essay, many civilizations throughout history had some form of an afterlife belief. The idea of the afterlife has affected people in a positive way. The belief in afterlife was common to many cultures throughout history. It has shaped their way of thinking and living. They may alter their rituals or festivals, but the underlying idea still remains. Good people will have a better afterlife than those who committed evil acts. It is important to have an afterlife because it tends make people more positive individuals.


  • bensonsimpson

    Hi! I'm Benson Simpson, a 35-year-old educational blogger and teacher. I write about educational topics such as student motivation, creativity, and effective teaching techniques. I also run a blog about creativity and learning, which you can find at



Hi! I'm Benson Simpson, a 35-year-old educational blogger and teacher. I write about educational topics such as student motivation, creativity, and effective teaching techniques. I also run a blog about creativity and learning, which you can find at